You can configure what cars have cruise control in the config, other cars have just speed limiter - you must hold W key to drive.
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You can configure what cars have cruise control in the config, other cars have just speed limiter - you must hold W key to drive.
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Compared to other speed limiter script I've tried, this one controls the engine RPM so that the engine does not overrev in lower speeds. With this script you can easily cruise at lower speeds with speed limiter. When setting the speed limit the car DOES NOT suddenly slow down but instead it applies breaks until wanted speed is reached.
The cruise control, compared to other scripts, works by applying ideal pedal pressure to reach and maintain wanted speed. The script also lets off the gas when steering to have more control over the car in turns. Standard use SHIFT + X to enable/disable cruise control
By default, you open Cruise Control menu by pressing SHIFT + N or command "speedlimit". You can configure the key or wether or not it even is controlable by key in config. You can just as well integrate this script into your system and control the speed limiter/cruise control with event API.
By using these API's you can connect it to any type of script you want for example a phone, radialmenu or any other type as long as you have access to input TriggerEvents in the resources.